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      HIE Holds the 2020 Opening Ceremony and Military Training Mobilization Meeting
      time:2020-09-28        hits:











      Stimulate the power of youthto wave the tapestry of the era.On the morning of September 28, the opening ceremony and military training mobilization meeting of the 2020 class freshmen were heldonthe main campusathleticfield. School leadersMr.Chen Yuetang,Mr.Yi Bing,Mr.Ning Liwei,Mr.Yu Guibang,Mr.Li Junlin,Mr.Chen Chiping,Mr.Luo Yiping, membersof CPC HIEcommitteeMr.Zhang Hualing,Mr.Li Yongjian, representatives of outstanding alumni, heads of relevant departments anddeansofschools, secretaries,deputy secretariesattended the opening ceremony, and allmilitary traininginstructors, classadvisors, counselors and freshmen of class 2020 attended the meeting.

      The ceremony was divided into two stages. The first stage of the opening ceremony was presided over by Vice President Li Junlin, and the second stage of military training mobilization conference was presided over by Vice President Luo Yiping.

      The opening ceremony officially began at8:30. In the solemn national anthem, thenationalflagwas rising above the sky ofHIE,andall teachers and studentssalutedto the national flag.

      President Yi Bingmade a speech themed on"Seize the days and bebraveto be the new youth of the time". On behalf of all the teachers and students of the school, he expressed his most heartfelt congratulations and warmest welcome to the new students of class 2020! "HIE has beenincluded inthe first-batchundergraduate enrollment unitsof Hunan this year,andyou are the first group of students, I am proud of you!The baton has now been handed over to youafter 69 years of endeavors and achievements." He hoped that the freshmen would continue the spirit of "Make Steady Efforts, Dare to Be the First", and put forward three expectations:First,students shallbear in mind the mission of the times and shoulder the responsibility of youth; second,students shallstick to their ideals and aspirations and pursue their dreams;third,students shall pursue academic research and strive for innovation.

      Mr.Yang Hai, teacherfrom the Schoolof Materials and Chemical Engineering, spoke as a teacher's representative. "From today on, you are a member ofHIE, and you have the responsibility and obligation to love your campus as much as you love your home." He encouragedeveryone to bea person of nobility, planning ability and strong mentality.

      "Four years of collegelife will pass byin a hurry;youmust have a lofty goalandfeel the meaning of lifeby your own efforts." Mr. Yuan Junqi, AdvancedIndividualsofNationalFightingAgainst theCOVID-19 Pandemic andoutstanding alumni representativeof HIE,encouragedstudentsto be prepared for making their own contribution to our nation, and society by tellinghisstories in fighting against the pandemic.

      Liao Jiale, from the School of Textile and Clothing, shared three advices with all the freshmen:Set up correct life goals; strive to improve their comprehensive ability; and make extensive friends with mentorsand tutors. Speaking as a freshman representative, Yu Danyang,from AccountingClass 2001 of the School of Management, said she would establish new learning and life goals as soon as possible, comprehensively improve comprehensive quality, live up to youth,seize the day, cherish the time, andforge ahead.

      School badgeswere wornand freshmentookthe oath of admission under the national flag. Later, the leaders and freshmen sang "MyMotherlandand Me" together. During the period of prevention and control of theCOVID-19 pandemic, the whole countryunited togetherto fight the epidemicwhich rang the bell that weshould cherish the present life and be grateful forthose who havesacrificedtheir life for us.

      After the opening ceremony,the 2020 Freshmen MilitaryTrainingMobilization conferencewas kicked off.Mr.Chen Yuetang, secretary ofthe CPC HIE committee, gave the flag to the military training regiment.

      Mr.Li Junlin made a military training mobilization report.He hoped that studentsshallnotbeafraid ofdifficulties andhardshipsduringmilitary training, and can experience this special periodwith thespirit and mannerof soldiers.Healso put forward three requirements:First,students shalldevote himself to this military training with full patriotismandcontribution spirit; second,students shallstrictly demand himself according to the standards of the military, and to follow orders in all actions; and third,students shallestablish a concept of national defense that is vigilant and prepared for troubles.

      Cheng Ping, head of the military training regiment andministerof theMilitary Office, issued the 2020 new military training task, hoping that the new students would complete the training task with full enthusiasm and high morale.

      Tang Haiqi,on behalf ofmilitary training instructors,and Li Jiajun,on behalf on the freshmen,spoke successively. Tang Haiqi called on all freshmen to demand themselves with high standards, follow the guidance of instructors, be not afraid of difficulties, and train hard. Li Jiajun said hewouldobey orders during military training, temper his will, practicebasic skills, and carryforward the fine style of military training.

      After the ceremony, the 2020 freshmen began military training in the PLA Army Song.

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