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      Academician from the Chinese Academy of Engineering Visits HIE
      time:2020-10-14        hits:

      On the afternoon of October 13, Mr. Wang Yaonan, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Director of the National Engineering Laboratory of Robot Visual Perception and Control Technology, and Professor of Hunan University, was invited as a guest at the Science and Technology Lecture of HIE. He has presented a wonderful lecture entitled "Application and Development Trend of Intelligent Robot Technology". Mr. Chen Yuetang, secretary of the CPC HIE Committee, Mr. Yi Bing, president of HIE, and Mr. Luo Yiping, vice president of HIE, attended the meeting. More than 200 teachers, graduate students and undergraduates from related majors participated. The lecture was hosted by vice president Luo Yiping.

      "Many images of robots we know come from movies and science fiction, but what do real robots look like?" asked by Prof. Wang Yaonan at the beginning of the lecture. Taking the technical characteristics of robots as a starting point, he explained such profound knowledge as definition, classification, system composition of robots in a simple way and unveiled the mystery of robots. He analyzed from four aspects, namely the development background and significance of robots, the current domestic and foreign research status of robots, the key technologies and applications of intelligent robots, and the development trend of intelligent robots. He introduced the key common technologies of intelligent robots and their applications in medicine, electronics, automobiles, and national defense through vivid videos.

      He said that intelligent robots are the product of highly integrated and blended modern science and technology, involving various disciplines such as machinery, control, electronics, computers, artificial intelligence and cognitive science. Since the 21st century, intelligent robot technology has developed rapidly. From air to space, from land to sea, from physical systems to information systems, various types of robots have emerged in large numbers in industry, agriculture, medical care, national defense, aerospace and life services, etc. They have been used more and more widely, and been playing an increasingly vital role in promoting economic development, social progress and military innovation.

      "Key technologies of artificial intelligence determine the future of robots." He pointed out that the intelligent manufacturing of robots will develop towards the direction of networking, autonomation, collaboration and dexterity, so as to adapt to networked collaborative manufacturing and large-scale personalized customization. In the future, robots will no longer be fixed in safe working places but work together with people, and will transform from "workers" to "engineers."

      During the interactive session, Prof. Wang Yaonan had a lively discussion with teachers and students on related issues including artificial intelligence, machine vision and robot training programs. "I hope that you can develop innovative thinking, adhere to problem orientation, learn from theory to practice, master robotics technology step by step, implement it into practical applications, make breakthroughs, as well as make your own contributions to society." He said to on-site students majored in Robot Engineering.

      After the discussion, Prof. Wang Yaonan, accompanied by Secretary Chen Yuetang, President Yi Bing and Vice President Luo Yiping, visited laboratories of Robotics Engineering of the School of Electrical and Information Engineering. "You have built up experimental platforms, which are of great help to the improvement of students' innovative ability and scientific research ability." He fully affirmed laboratory construction and talent training in HIE.

      Afterwards, Prof. Wang Yaonan and parties presented had an in-depth exchange on development and talent training of such provincial-level application-oriented characteristic disciplines as "Control Science and Engineering" and "Electrical Engineering" at Meeting Room 309a in Electrical Building. He pointed out that HIE shall continue making contributions to national and social development by consolidating discipline construction, optimizing teaching resources, enhancing core curriculums, upgrading talent training mode, expanding practice bases and improving management system. Secretary Chen Yuetang expressed that the approval of these two new undergraduate majors in 2019, which are Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Engineering, has played a positive role in further enhancing disciplinary and school-running characteristics. HIE will constantly integrate teaching resources, concentrate strengths, consolidate disciplinary content, strengthen disciplinary construction as well as improve talent training quality.

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